
More places are banning dogs!

Dreds MacBrehon wrote:
what's to say somebody won't pass something against Italian-Americans in New Jersey (that's pretty likely, thanks to MTV), or Czech-Americans in Montana. Probably a lil over-the-top, but if politicians are trying to pass laws outlawing fat people, why not ethnicities, races, or anything else?

13 years

More places are banning dogs!

Reminds me recently of how a pitbull attacked and killed a child here in Victoria, Australia recently and there was an outcry and media spam of "Get rid of them all" once again.

Comprehensive story here:

(tl;dr version: Dog was wandering outside at night, attacked the girl's aunt, then she ran inside to the girl's house and the dog followed her in then attacked and killed the little girl. The dog has since been put down. As a result the state government of Victoria has ended an 'amnesty' on 'dangerous dog breed' owners, allowing council staff to easier enter properties and destroy any (presumably unregistered) 'dangerous dog breeds' that are suspect.)

Earlier today, Premier(Governor equivalent) Ted Baillieu vowed to do everything possible to rid Victoria of pit bulls but stopped short of banning the dangerous breed.

Mr Baillieu expressed his condolences to the family of four-year-old Ayen.

"There cannot be a more tragic situation than to see a young child like this, in these circumstances, killed in this horrible horrible way," he said.

"We don't want to see is ever happen again and we will do whatever we possibly can to be rid of these dangerous dogs.

"We want to be rid of these dogs, and we want to be rid of these dogs as soon as we possibly can."
But Colin Muir, president of the American Pit Bull Club of Australia, leapt to the defence of the controversial breed in the wake of the fatal attack.

Mr Muir said it was the responsibility of individual owners to keep their dogs under control.

“The reality is that we should be talking about responsible ownership of dogs. The minute you start talking about breeds the response is 'ban a pit bull'. How does that fix the problem? It simply doesn’t,” Mr Muir said.

“The reality is there was a fatal attack by a dog and that really was the end of the matter. The breed of the dog is irrelevant.”
13 years

More places are banning dogs!

Its not entirely true that its up to the people that own the dog to train it because even completely trained family dogs that have never bitten before can snap and attack
I remember one story about a labrador, which is like none to be one of the friendliest breeds attacking their owner and mauling her face off
So its really about keeping the dog on a leash and behind a fence at all times, violent or not
Especially since I think these laws are partly because of that cute as little black bubby that got killed over here sooo sad smiley
13 years